Monday, June 20, 2011

side tracked continued

I honestly couldn't decide which I liked better

side tracked

Besides life getting in the way, I took a heartbeat of a road trip. I flew out to Minnesota and drove back home to Massachusetts. Correction, my friend drove, leaving me the opportunity to stick my camera out the car window. Here is a teaser trailer of what is to come. . .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

spring is near

Here are  some old images thats remind me about the importance of creating art and to keep shooting. They were taken when I was at very low point in my life, however I was still able to see the beauty of the world around me. This shack is off-kilter, but its part of its charm. It is surrounded by beauty, perhaps that is where its strength to keep standing comes from. Its important to stay optimistic.

Monday, January 31, 2011


solitude |ˈsäləˌt(y)oōd|nounthe state or situation of being alone she savored her few hours of freedom and solitude.• a lonely or uninhabited place.
Drove up to Freedom this weekend. Experience the importance and disadvantages of solitude. At least when I'm up there I feel like I'm outdoors when I'm indoors

Friday, January 21, 2011

My love affair with NH

I'm slightly embarrassed about how long I've neglected to update. Kristine Helgason's blog has inspired me to get my act together. These images have done nothing but sit quietly nestled away in my computer. I've taken them out of hibernation. I have next weekend off from work and plan on going up and visit the mountains. I do secretly wish that New Hampshire was perpetual stuck in autumn.